Sunday, February 10, 2008

Training - Week 9

It was not, ladies and gentlemen, a good week of training. I sort of hinted about this in my post yesterday, and you can see from the dearth of posts this week that running and blogging just didn't get the attention they usually do.

This week was scheduled for 28 miles, I only got in 22. It looked like this:

Tuesday - 3 miles
Thursday - 7 miles
Sunday - 12 miles

Where did I go wrong? I skipped an end-of-the-week 3 miler. Sunday's long run was supposed to be 16 miles. I ran (as usual) with my good buddy Mark, and neither of us were feeling it today so we cashed it in at 12 miles.

The ironic part--I was listening to Steve Runner's latest podcast entitled "Pushing Through Exhaustion." Guess I didn't pick up the mental tricks quick enough.

I sort of feel bad about being short on mileage this week, but I'm not going to beat myself up too much. Overall I'm about 9 miles behind plan so far--theoretically, with one extra mile per week, I could get caught up. But the more important thing for me is to rest tomorrow, get back in the saddle, and complete every step of every mile next week--and for the weeks forward from then until the marathon.

I guess I'll have to go back and listen to "Pushing Through Exhaustion" again. That, and get a decent night's sleep...


Sue said...

I don't envy you. I'm tired just reading your posts. The most I"ve ever run in one night was five miles. I averaged, during my peak running times, 3 miles per night. It was great until my foot started misbehaving. And I didn't have the time to get the right shoes back then. C'est la vie!

Tim Wilson said...

Don't beat yourself up. You are doing fine. You will catch up in no time!

Jim said...

Aw, thanks Sue! And as I've been telling you, you just need to jump back in the saddle and try it again!

Tim thanks, as always, for your kind and supportive comments. I know I will catch up, and I've already gotten over my little "pity party", so I'm good for now. (C;
